Aug 21, 2014

Austin, Minnesota - More than just Tinned Meat


After an invigorating teeth polishing by my favorite hygienist at Nelson Family Dental, my son and I stopped at the Coffee House on Main for some caffeinated beverages and then on to the Good Earth Natural Foods Co. for shopping.

I knew Austin, Minnesota was home to the Hormel Foods Corporation headquarters where the tinned meat is made, but I have now made another Spam-tastic discovery.  Anchored on the shores of East Side Lake is the Spamtown Belle...a charming little paddle boat decked out in the blue and yellow signature SPAM colors.

My son posed for a picture in the crows nest before we continued on our walk around this 40-acre man-made reservoir.  Water lilies have taken over much of the shoreline of this lake, and the baby grasshoppers were especially in abundance.

It was a steamy 80+ degrees, so we didn't walk all the way around, but paused long enough to enjoy some of the flowers planted in this scenic little park.

Soon, I hope to plan a trip here with my trike for some bike trail riding.