Mar 24, 2020

Photography Goal for 2020 - Take a Selfie a Day

January 1, 2020 - Nine months in of learning to play the flute...major bucket list item achieved!

January 2, 2020 - C-PAP mask trial #1 and my two other best friends in the background--the DreamStation and the So-Clean machine. A sleep study in early December revealed a diagnosis of sleep apnea. So the day after Christmas, I became the proud owner of this attractive, medieval face hugger.

It took 30 minutes to attach all the electrodes and monitor wires for the sleep study, and the report from that study indicated I stopped breathing 41 times per hour for 10 seconds or more and that my oxygen saturation level dropped to 83%. Joel told me I had been snoring and stopping breathing for awhile, but the implications weren't clear until the neurologist explained that I was literally killing brain cells!

January 3, 2020 - My Goldendoodle, Luca, and I hanging out in the living room on the couch.

January 4, 2020 - Me and the hubby at the annual Rohne family Christmas gathering.

January 5, 2020 - Bible Art Journaling at the kitchen table on my 56th birthday.

January 6, 2020 - A belated Starbucks birthday treat with my girl.

January 7, 2020 - Representing with my Waldorf Warriors Theatre sweatshirt.

January 8, 2020 - Meskwaki Casino lunch buffet with Dad. (Yes! That IS a UFO from the DESSERT planet hovering over our heads!!

January 9, 2020 - My Northwood Bible Art Journaling Community Group. We meet at the 1st Lutheran Church on Thursday nights.

January 10, 2020 - Coffee and Bible Journaling with Calley at Jitters.

January 11, 2020 - Sipping tea at Holistic Harmony in Clear Lake.

January 12, 2020 - Loom knitting whilst sitting. I've been making hats this way and donating them to various places since joining Angela's knitting and crochet community group for Rhythm Church.

January 13, 2020 - Working on our main computer digitizing Mom's Past Times columns to format and sell as a 2-volume eBook set on Amazon.

January 14, 2020 - Road trip to Forest City to return Mary to spring semester of her junior year.

January 15, 2020 - C-PAP mask trial #2...couldn't get used to the nasal-only mask so trying the next size up with hose at the top.

January 16, 2020 - You can never have too many selfies with the cutest doggie in the world!!

January 17, 2020 - Pizza, beer, and cribbage with my guy at Worth Brewing.

January 18, 2020 - Bible Journaling in my craft and music room.


...My photography goal for 2020 lasted a whole 18 days.

What did I learn? I like to eat, drink, and spend a lot of time Bible Journaling. Also, I seem to wear the same few sweaters and sweatshirts over and over again. Additionally, this goal lasted longer than most of the New Year's resolutions that I've tried to make in the past--so there's that.

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