Nov 16, 2015

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 16: Recipe

So many family recipes handed down over the years that I am thankful for. One in particular came to mind today. It was one that my mom and I enjoyed on various occasions for many years. I say just my mom and I because no one else in my family cared for it. 

The recipe contained a box of macaroni and cheese--my sister only ate macaroni and cheese plain without anything else added, and my dad only liked the macaroni noodles with the powdered cheese sprinkled over the top instead of mixed in with butter and milk.

I am so grateful I have this recipe...not that I need to look at it anymore since I have it memorized, but because it is in my mom's handwriting. So many memories from just one person's handwriting. I can even tell that she wrote it using her Fountain pen because of the color and flow of the ink.

This particular recipe which mom cites the source as the back of the KRAFT package, was to be made and refrigerated and served chilled. However, Mom and I discovered that we liked it even better warm.

Over the years, I came to like it both warm and cold...which is good since it made such a big batch. I also discovered over the years, that if I ate too much of it warm, I got a stomach ache.

It became necessary that if we had this dish, that we had to have it with the Chicken-in-a-Biskit crackers by NABISCO. Often we would go so long in between making the salad that the crackers we had left from the last time would've become stale, and we would have to go and buy a new box along with the other ingredients for the salad.

It never failed for several years that when I would go get the groceries, I would inevitably be going from memory as it was usually a spur of the moment idea to make it, and I would end up forgetting a key ingredient. Although, now that I have made it so many times, I very rarely forget anything if I'm at the store and don't have the recipe at hand to consult.

We actually didn't make it very often due to the time involved and number of dishes, pots, and pans it took to make it. Whenever mom saw me start the preparations, she knew exactly what I was up to and her face would light up with anticipation..."OH! Are you making Seaside Salad?", she would ask excitedly.

It did help when frozen peas started coming in microwavable packages. That at least saved one pan!

It does seem to be somewhat of an acquired taste; however, I'm happy to report that my whole family now likes this favorite recipe.

Photo by Deb Rohne. Copyright 2015. All Rights Reserved.

One other note to make about Mom's recipe book that this favorite comes from...the cover is quite humorous...

Photo by Deb Rohne. Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.

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